Curtin Beanbag Tracking Xsights Team - 15 October 2019 - Asset Management, Beacons, Public Spaces

Curtin University of Perth, Western Australia prides itself on being a progressive, innovative learning campus that provides a vibrant environment for its students. With a global reach and a community feel, they take modern steps toward excellence at every opportunity.

That’s why, when they calculated the annual losses of one of their assets, they realized action need to be taken.

At Curtin, beanbag chairs are available to students, conference attendees, and venue-goers. The chairs are used for everything from studying on the lawn to concert seating. Unfortunately, those beanbag chairs went missing frequently. The annual loss related to those beanbags reached into the thousands.

In searching for the solution, University leaders identified that making use of a technology enhanced tracking system could be the key to limiting their loss.

In partnership with Xsights, Curtin progressed the following execution for the purpose of automatic real time counting and tracking of beanbag chairs;

  • BLE Beacons inserted into each beanbag chair on campus,
  • Four long-range Gateway signal receivers installed at four separate storage locations,
  • Custom-designed dashboard and program created to log the real-time presence of each of the beanbag chairs based on their beacon signals.

Curtin University Operations and Maintenance Manager Allyson Mullane said the partnership has been successful.

“With the Xsights solution, University personnel are now able to report on the presence of each beanbag chair at any moment in time. The cost of the solution and program development has been a worthwhile investment. When considering the significant number of assets, we have on campus, the opportunity for further application is being progressed,” Ms Mullane said.

The use of emerging technology is not restricted to the solution of grand-scale problems. Everyday operational issues – such as keeping track of beanbag chairs - can be resolved in a way that is simple and easy. Though the technology is advanced, Xsights handles the complicated aspects so that their partners can keep on track and spend their efforts on what matters most – succeeding in their core business.

Steve Wildisen – Xsights Managing Director had this to say;

"In partnership with Curtin, we have successfully demonstrated how gateway & beacon technology, is enabling organizations to implement cost-effective and highly scalable asset tracking solutions. We are excited by the opportunity to track assets of every kind on campus and to realise measurable long-term savings in asset management and tracking for Curtin".

Know where your assets are and when they are moved so you can take action.
Xsights helped resolve thousands of dollars in losses at Curtin University.
What assets can we manage and track for you?

To discuss how Xsights can simplify your asset management, contact us HERE.